Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan Create Joint Venture to Develop Middle Corridor’s Multimodal Service 2024-07-07 09:38:39

Established in 2017, the TITR International Association includes member countries such as Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania and Türkiye.

Kazakhstan Temir Zholy national railway company, Georgian Railway and Azerbaijan Railways inked an agreement to create a joint venture to develop multimodal service on the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR), also known as Middle Corridor, on Oct. 26 in Tbilisi, reported the company’s press service.

A new company named Middle Corridor Multimodal has been created at the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC).

The company will provide services on a one-stop-shop basis, guarantee delivery times, and pursue a coordinated policy for developing multimodal service on the China – Europe/Türkiye – China route.

During the Global Gateway Forum in Brussels on Oct. 25-26, Hyrasia One, a subsidiary of the Svevind Energy Group, and the Sarzha multifunctional marine terminal of Semurg Invest have agreed to transport pure hydrogen and ammonia from the Kuryk port in western Kazakhstan to Europe via TITR.

Last year, the volume of freight traffic in Kazakhstan along the TITR increased by 2.5 times and reached 1.5 million tons.

Established in 2017, the TITR International Association includes member countries such as Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania and Türkiye.


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